Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Autumn Hollow Band : Music

Had a great time last night listening to some old friends play  at The Skinny Pancake.   The Autumn Hollow Band, a few pints, and a babysitter. The recipe for a stellar night. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bobbin : Business

There are many things I love about Burlington, this little city that's really just a big town. Vermont is the one place in the Northeast that has felt even a smidgen like Virginia.  It's calmer, slower than the rest of New England.  People are in less of a rush.  And it's not only the roads where it's noticeable (but believe me, there is a HUGE difference driving here than in Massachusetts),  you can see a contemplative approach when it comes to other aspects of life as well.  It's in our food, our homes, our art.  It's this culture that fosters the existence of a place like The Bobbin Sew Bar and Craft Lounge.  Proprietor Gyllian Rae Svensson not only offers repurposed textiles to the crafty among us, but also offers sewing classes, teaching the future of the crafting community and educating in the benefits of "slow fashion."  Her own sustainable and cute creations are also for sale at the Bobbin, along side works from other local designers.  I was there to take interior as well as product shots of some little softies.  I'm sure they'll be gobbled up as soon as the world gets to see them.  Next? Clothing! Some local ladies in some local designs. Love it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eve : Newborn

When I went to visit my friend Sara today I brought along my camera.  You see, this little angel arrived on Monday night (or perhaps Tuesday morning?!....)  and I have never before turned my lens towards a newborn. But first there was the holding.  She was so sweet and small and full of sighs and chirps.  I loved every second of it while me and Mama got a chance to chat.  I got to see the photos from her birth, which are magical.  Those were taken by another member of our Monday Night knitters, Cyndi.  They are beautiful.  So special to have that captured by someone with a talented eye. There are only 4 of us in our little knitting group, and the fourth I haven't mentioned, is Carin, my partner in Two House photo. I have no doubt she's itchin to get her viewfinder pointed towards this wee little one as well.  Needless to say Eve may end up being one of the most photographed babies on the planet. 

Not having any experience photographing newborns made me a bit nervous.  I wasn't 100% sure what to capture, how to approach it. Eve, being new at everything, was very understanding and patient.  Just look at her.  She even had her eyes open, which if you've ever been around a newborn, is rare.  Sleepy little babies.  Thanks little one. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter quiet...

Things have calmed a bit around here. After the frenzy of holiday preparations and the revelry of family and friends it's nice to have a little breathing room. We've said goodbye to the tree (sniff) and most of the decorations are packed away. All that's left are the cards, still silhouetted in front of the the window, hanging by clothespins on a stretch of yarn.  A little banner of happy faces and thoughts of peace. Eventually they'll come down too, but not quite yet.

I hope all the cards clients ordered for the season have found their recipients happy and healthy in the New Year. I loved watching the orders come through my inbox. I beam with pride knowing the smiles I captured are traversing the country to serve as good wishes to family and loved ones.

Knowing that Spring will be here before I know it, in the after Christmas lull, I've enjoyed being able to turn my camera to Winter. Walks in the snow are a quiet luxury many of us don't indulge in nearly enough.  The hush is not only heard, but seen, as light is diffused by the condensed air, leaving it soft and cool . Winter light has a magic all it's own. Fuzzy and frosty.

The light blankets everything, just like the snow, leaving only the hint of shadow.  And the muted tones are a perfect backdrop to play with color, allowing them to pop and take center stage.

If only I could stay out longer without my fingers feeling like they're going to fall off.  But I always have a destination in mind.  Preferably one with a hot cup o' Joe and a window seat. 

That last one? I need a couple sitting on those stools, leaning into each other, chatting, silhouetted against the cold winter outside. Maybe a steaming mug on the counter. A lovely image for Valentines Day, no? Give me a call, let's make it happen. (And remember, a free engagement session comes with booking Two House Photo for your wedding...and we still have a few weekends open...just sayin'.)

Happy New Year everybody!