A wedding is often a big affair. Lots of details, lots of planning. But no matter the size or lavishness of the day, once you set aside the decor, the dresses, food and music...in the end, what you have are two souls, united by a promise.
I can't tell you how excited I was when Lisa contacted me a few months ago. She and Ryan were going to elope. To Vermont! Being able to capture such an intimate and meaningful moment had me all giddy. Sure, I love weddings, but it can be stressful. I mean, there is SO MUCH going on, schedules to adhere too, lists of family members to arrange into groups...mothers. When I shoot weddings, I'm usually chomping at the bit for the time I can steal away the newly married and capture that love...that bliss. And this was a whole wedding of that! Just knowing I had them all to myself. Oh, a dream.
Lisa and Ryan's wedding day was a gloriously sunny afternoon. As the light warmed the lingering winter bite and beckoned Spring, they took each others hands and spoke to their love. I was honored to be one of two people who bore witness to the creation of a new family (three if you count the guy that was sitting on the bench). As their friend Rachel presided over the ceremony, their were laughs and tears. It was really just perfect. I kept thinking that more people should do this. And not just because I want to do it again. Well...sorta.
This was my first elopement. Hopefully not my last.
Congratulations Lisa and Ryan! I can't tell you enough what an honor it was to capture these for you. Hope you guys have a great party back home!