Carin Lilly is not only a great friend, but as a talented photographer , she is also a trusted sounding board and colleague. Together Carin and I are Two House Photo, teaming up to capture declarations of love all over Vermont. We are both mothers to two boys, only she has a sweet little girl brewing in her belly. I don't know how I've managed to surround myself with so many gorgeous pregnant women, but I must admit it's great for my portfolio. I could fill it up with Carin and Jess's gorgeous boys, not to mention her sweet bump. Can't wait for little girl Lilly to arrive on the scene. Mamarazzi will be in full effect!

oh my - - lovely as usual (I sound like a broken record) LOVE the family shots - and the bathtub - and the first one is definitely the Lilly album cover - we live in such a cool place (brrrrrr!)