Yay! I wanted to get the fun photos up before the weekend, and phew! just made it. It is always so hard to choose from the Part 2 pics...which ones to share, hm. I narrowed it down and I think you get a nice sense of how lovely Maura and Nathan's shindig was. In snowboarding lingo, it ended up being a blue bird day on the mountain. Just look at that sky. And happy to see that although I don't have any photos of Spencer actually looking at me (I've never had a dog not respond to my "hey dog! look at me" noises...I know, many talents) I did get one of him looking rather regal and proud. And I also realized that Nathan and Maura mimmic my husband and I in our Ben & Jerry's choices. I am a strictly Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Jay is a Strawberry Cheesecake. It has proven to be a winning combination in my house, so I can only hope it brings the newlyweds many many years of similar happiness. Congratulations again guys! It was a pleasure.